Our parish is committed to teaching the tenets of the Catholic Faith to adults and to children of all ages, not only through formal religion classes held weekly in the school of Religion, but also through participation in Sunday Mass, The Sacraments, Liturgical Celebrations, Missions, Activities and Adult Education opportunities.
We are here to support your family's faith formation!
Joanne MacPeek: AdultFaith@resurrectionch.org
Deanna Latell: Deanna@resurrectionch.org
Coordinators of Faith Formation
We hope that it is easy to find the information you need on the parish Faith Formation program. More information on the program for younger children can be found on the Kindergarten through Grade 5 page. Information on the program for middle and high school students is found on the Grades 6 - 12 . For information on Sacramental Preparation, click here.
You, the parent, are the first and most important of your children's teachers, especially when it comes to passing on the Catholic faith! The Faith At Home page contains some ideas that may be helpful to you in that role.
All of the prayers that children should know before receiving their First Communion are listed on the Prayers page, together with other common Catholic prayers. We also encourage our children to pray informally in an on-going dialogue with our Lord!