Women's Guild

Our Mission Statement
The purpose of the Women’s Guild shall be to unite the women of the Parish in a spirit of charity
and promote their spiritual and social welfare.


See the bulletin for details on upcoming meetings.

Guild meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, September through May.

ALL women of the parish are welcome!

Guild Day Agenda

8:00 am Mass dedicated to the Guild
8:30 am Social hour
9:00 am Meeting followed by a speaker or special entertainment. Please plan to stay for the entire program.


Dues are $10.00 per year and are due in September with checks payable to Church of the Resurrection. Dues envelopes may be found at all entrances of the church and at the Guild meetings. Please return all dues in a Guild envelope.

The 8:00 am Mass on the third Wednesday is dedicated to all of the living and deceased members of the Guild.

The Guild sponsors a Craft Club which meets at 8:30 am every Tuesday, at the Parish Center. Please feel free to come and share any talent you may have.

Please speak to one of the officers if you are interested in volunteering for any of these special events:
* Special Luncheons
* Bake Sales
* Other Special Events
* Craft Club                                                                                    Contact Us:

Women’s Guild
8121 Cypress Lake Drive
Fort Myers FL 33919
(239) 481-7171


The Craft Club meets at the Parish Center on Tuesday mornings 8:30 - 10:30. Join us!


The Rosary Makers group meet on the second Thursdays of each month 8:30 - 10:30am in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to come and enjoy new friends and socialize while we make rosaries.